Ready, set, go! This new and dynamic Membership Committee is ready to work to bring a new level of membership to the organization.
This is technically the first year Fil-Am of SCV officially formed a Membership Committee. President Rey finds it necessary to create a dynamic team that will create new ideas and processes that will attract new members and bring previous members back to the Association.
The committee consists of Fil-Am Presidents namely, 1990 President Rhod Resella as the Chairperson and Committee Members - 2009 President Myra Miranda, 2016 President Arnold Magpantay, 1999 President Nic Montebon, Jr. and current Vice President, Andy Pabalan representing the current Board. The team is committed in raising the awareness of the association's existence and presence in the community. They will create several strategies for communicating to our fellow Kababayans, who are living and working in the City of Santa Clarita, the benefits of becoming members of the Fil-Am of SCV family.
The clearest and utmost task of this team, is to increase the number of active members of the Association thereby increasing participation of volunteers in events, as well as getting bigger sponsorships and ultimately, growing the Fil-Am of SCV family.
Let us welcome these men and woman to the 2020 working team and give them all the support they need to succeed in this endeavor! Give them the lead.

Arnold Magpantay, Andy Pabalan, Nic Montebon Jr., Myra Miranda and Rhod Resella